Survey: How many of us watch The Game of Thrones?

The 7th season of the world's most watched TV series Game of Thrones was released two days ago. The show has many fans among us in Touch4IT, so we've made a short survey about the series. What are the results?
The most talked topic of this week was the new Game of Thrones season and we've decided to participate. We made a short survey in which we had to answer these three questions:
- Do you watch Game of Thrones?
- If yes, who is your favourite character?
- How do you expect the series to end (in one sentence)?
1. Do you watch Game of Thrones?
The graphic below shows, that 47,6% of our colleagues don't watch the series at all, while 42,9% watch it regularly (true fans). 9,5% have seen one or two episodes or seasons, but are not really into the show. Considering the numbers, we may state, that there's a balance present in Touch4IT. :)

2. Favourite character
The most beloved character among those of us who watch Game of Thrones is Tyrion Lannister (4 votes). He is followed by John Snow and Arya Stark, who received the same number of votes. The rest of the votes was divided among other characters with each receiving one vote.

3. Ideas of the ending
When evaluating the answers to the last question we have realized that nobody believes in an optimistic ending any more. :smile: Most of us expect the death of many characters and expect the show to end with no happy ending. There was also an opinion that Daenerys won’t win the throne, for one of ned’s sons will (Bran or John).
What about you – do you watch it or not?