New AR game Easter Egg Hunt will entertain you not only during Easter

Egg Hunt is a catchy, thematic and relaxing game. The goal of the game is to catch as many falling Easter Eggs to a basket as possible, and achieve the highest score. All you have to do is to download the Touch4IT AR App, which also includes Easter Egg Hunt, and let the fun begin!
What is so special about this game and how to play it?
Egg Hunt uses the AR technology, which means that during play you're combining the gaming and real environment. How does it work?
Find an object (e.g. a magazine, newspaper, etc.), that will serve as an AR marker on which the game environment will be marked.
The object should be feature-rich and with good contrast so that the application can track it's position correctly. Then start the game and try to catch the eggs by moving and rotating your phone. The eggs have different color and each color has a different value.
If you're not familiar with the AR technology, carefully read the tutorial at the beginning of the game.
Egg Hunt is not just an Easter game…
It provides a simple entertainment for any moment, but requires a certain amount of coordination, because it combines reality with the gaming environment.
The app was created thanks to the skill of our talented developer Noro, who specializes also on development of AR technologies and also created the orginal graphics for the game.
What extensions can you expect?
The game is currently available in the version 1.0, however we're working on the updates already. Soon a leaderboard will be added to the game, and you'll be able to share and compare your score to your friends on Facebook.