Great reading for CEOs, according to our founder Richard

What kind of book is it?
A few days ago, we asked our founder Richard, which book caught his eye so much, that he would recommend it further. His answer was: The Hard Thing About Hard Things (Ben Horowitz).
Ben Horowitz is an american businessman, investor, blogger and writer, located in Silicon Valley and he has founded the Horowitz Andreessen company, together with Marc Andreessen and also a software company Opsware. In 2011, Ben was included into the list of the most influential investors, according to CNET portal, and he has earned the respect of many businessmen. In 2014 he published the book "The Hard Thing About Hard Things“ and has earned positive feedback, both from critiques and audience.
The Wall Street Journal said about the book, that it will "show the remarkable story of Bens career to the readers, including real examples and practical advice. It is a fascinating story about overcoming obstacles and solving challenges.“
We asked: Who is this book for?
"For people like me. As a person, who was drawn to technical skills from the early childhood and has studied at a technical university, i base many of my decisions on facts. I try to base my decisions on something concrete and i also try to avoid inventing the same wheel as someone else has already invented before me. And what is also important to me – foresee the possible problems and obstacles and avoid learning on my own mistakes.“
We asked: "Why this book?“
"As a Co-founder of Touch4IT, I want only the best for it. We set higher and higher goals each month and we are able to reach them, thanks to our great team."
"I often come across situations, which are new and challenging for me. And this all led me into reading The Hard Thing About Hard Things, as it helps me to think about these hard things. Ben Horowitz brilliantly describes the beginning of his career and starting his „life business“."
"I would divide the book into two parts. The first is strongly motivational and inspiring, since it shows, how much you can achieve, if you really want to. The second part is aimed at advice and recommendations, that can help any manager in his job.I think that I am able to make the right decisions and that I am able to overcome the obstacles with my team also thanks to this book, whose author is one of the most respected expert in this field.“