Our teambuilding in the Slovak mountains

At Touch4IT, we like to do things a bit unconventionally. This also applies to our team building – at least once a year we go to the Croatian sea. However, the health and safety of our team is our number one priority, so this year we decided to do a „Slovak Croatia“, and enjoy our team building in the beautiful nature of Central Slovakia.
The surroundings were top notch
The two big cabins comfortably housed, fed, and offered a relaxing space for 31 people (sadly not all team members could join us during the dates). The spacious premises have provided us with interesting activities during the four days. We relaxed on the benches by the lakes, played ball games, tested our BBQ skills, and chilled out in the hot tub with a beer in our hands.

We enjoyed a rich program full of activities
Since the beginning of the pandemic, we haven’t spent a lot of time together as a company and everyone started to miss personal contact. Therefore, apart from the traditional evening fire, BBQ and hikes, we decided to focus moreon teambuilding activitiesto get to know each other even better, integrate new colleagues into the team, and enjoy some good fun.
Our „event manager“ team has created a rich program – on specified outposts we have fulfilled various physical and logical tasks, collecting clues for solving the main task. We exercised our flexibility in the well-known Twister game, our quickness during selfies with weird objects (Have you ever taken a selfie with straw and a lama?), and our brains duringthe cooperative gameBomba, which our colleague Michal prepared both for iOS and Android devices. We laughed a lot during the creation of team names, team chants, and coats of arms. Here we have confirmed our IT nature – some members created their test concepts on „Dev“, or „Stage“, while others trusted their creative skills and went straight „to production“.
A perfect team, a perfect event
Apart from the planned activities and free program, we enjoyed awesome craft beer, BBQ specialties courtesy of our skilled colleagues, dance music as well as the traditionalguitar by the fire, board games, andhiking.
We have plenty of photos, even more adventures, and apart from having a great time we have brought back fresh energy for work.
A nice bonus of the event was that due to the pandemic, some of us have met physically for the first time. We will be happy to meet again very soon, probably at the upcoming Halloween party – in a great costume, with a negative test and a positive vibe. :)