Key Aspects of the Technical Interview Round: Insights from 5 Team Leaders and Tech Experts

Published: Jun 05. 2024
Key Aspects of the Technical Interview Round

"What do you consider the most important in the technical round of interviews? What does an interview with you as a technical person look like? What do you value most in candidates?" These are the questions we asked our team leaders and tech experts to uncover what future applicants should pay close attention to when applying with us! 

Dušan Drábik, Frontend Team Leader

What do you consider the most important in the technical round of interviews?

Deep knowledge of the technology corresponding to seniority level. Motivation to learn and progress in technology or broaden horizons in other technologies.

What does an interview with you as a technical person look like?

I try to joke if I see the person is open to humor. I have prepared outlines of the technical knowledge I expect from the candidate, which I use to guide the discussion about their experiences.

What do you value most in candidates?

The ability to admit ignorance on a topic and the willingness to learn.

Dávid Ondruš, Backend Team Leader:

What do you consider the most important in the technical round of interviews?

Finding common ground and understanding how they think about technologies. Ideally, when we connect on a personal level and have similar or constructively debatable views, indicating that cooperation could be beneficial for both sides.

What does an interview with you as a technical person look like?

I aim for a conversational approach rather than just a one-sided questionnaire. I mostly inquire about practical experiences and go through the entire software development flow step by step.

What do you value most in candidates?

When they actively participate in the conversation and ask questions. Additionally, I value sincere candidates who are genuine and not pretending.

Jakub Polák, Mobile Development Team Leader:

What do you consider most important in a technical job interview?

In a technical interview, a person needs to be open and honestly express what they know, what they don't know, what they have worked with, what they have encountered, and what they haven't even heard of. At the same time, it is important for them to realistically assess their experiences and abilities.

What does an interview with you as a technical person look like?

It is more of an informal conversation where we discuss the candidate's experiences and the company. Sometimes, the conversation leads to their hobbies or favorite technologies, which may not be directly related to the position. If I have a junior candidate who doesn't have much experience yet, I try to ensure they also take something away from the interview. If a candidate has not encountered something or does not know what it is, I try to explain it to them. Alternatively, I tell them where they can find more information on the topic.

What do you value most in candidates?

I appreciate it when a candidate has their own opinion on things. Whether it is about preferred technology, working methods, or something else, it's always good when he or she has their own opinion and can defend it. And no, it doesn't have to be the same as mine. Often, the best discussions arise from opposing opinions. At the same time, it's important to me that the candidate shows a willingness to move forward and wants to learn new things, which is especially important for juniors.

Dušan Matejka, Software Architect, Tech Expert:

What do you consider most important in a technical job interview?

It depends on the position being applied for. It is important that the candidate can work precisely and responsibly with the equipment assigned to them. Then, if they truly understand what they are applying for.

What does an interview with you as a technical person look like?

First, we talk about the candidate, then I ask additional questions about them, and then I ask my technical questions regarding their skills.

What do you value most in candidates?

They must be able to think independently and understand the fundamentals. Work must be carried out responsibly and consistently. 

Adam Holý, Graphic & Motions Designer, Tech Expert:

What do you consider most important in a technical job interview?

Regarding graphic design, in a technical interview, we assessed skills, creativity, and understanding of design principles, mainly related to digital media, so I consider this the most important aspect.

What does an interview with you as a technical person look like?

We start by reviewing the assigned task together, going deeper into it, discussing its pros and cons, and then addressing the following points:

  • Portfolio review: Candidates present their portfolios, and I ask for more detailed information about the projects included. We also discuss the candidate's previous work experience and their skills, among other things.

  • Software knowledge: It is essential to know software tools for design. Candidates should be proficient in standard tools such as Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects) and, of course, Figma which is the most used tool for design work in our company.

  • Aesthetics: Candidates should have a strong sense of aesthetics, including typography principles, composition, visual hierarchy, and the ability to create visually appealing designs that effectively communicate information.

  • Problem-solving skills: Designers often tackle complex visual problems, so candidates should demonstrate the ability to understand requirements, conceptualize design solutions, and incorporate feedback.

  • Attention to detail: Designers should demonstrate attention to detail, including precise alignment, layout of design elements, or consistent use of typography elements or brand guidelines. I check this aspect while going through the portfolio and the assigned task.

  • Communication: Finally, there's the ability to communicate with other team members. A person must be able to present their ideas/designs, justify their design decisions, and be open to receiving, incorporating, or giving feedback.

What do you value most in candidates?

I value it when a person can communicate effectively. If during the interview, it becomes apparent that a person is weaker in a particular area, those are often things we can quickly improve. However, if a person cannot or does not want to communicate, it is challenging to collaborate with them. So, most of the time, collaboration fails due to communication issues rather than the person having gaps in a particular tool or skill.


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Authors: Miroslava Prvakova, Dominika Vassova, Matus Strasiftak 


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