How was the Vltava Run 2019?

As the main organizer and leader of our team at Vltava Run, I would like to tell you all about it:
But first, let me find a tutorial on Google on how to write an article about sports and team spirit, so it’s not just a random stream of consciousness. Because you know, all of us need those sweet likes. I already have some good thoughts, all I need is to write them down, give it a structure and it should be alright. I’m not dreaming about winning the Pulitzer Prize after all. :)
I’m sure you’ve already seen the following lines before, because they’re more than true: relay runs are about overcoming yourself, but you’re not doing it just for yourself, but for the whole team. And what a teamwork was needed for this one! Both from Michal, Roman, Marek, Sebastián and Ján who are regular runners. Also, from our two Matejs and Roland who are occasional runners, but the training was more of an intent than reality. And all the way to Richard, Marek, Jakub and me, who although tried to train for this run, but we were short on time and the training didn’t go as planned. In the end, we didn’t really train that much. :)

What was our driving force?
Maybe if you’re running alone, you would eventually give up. But knowing the fact that there’s 11 people counting on you, it really gives the much-needed energy. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a runner with a 4 our 7-minute pace (min/km) – it’s more important to keep running without stopping and not passing out in the nearby ditch.
The participation medal is not just a shiny award for us. It symbolizes that we did not give up and finished the race. It’s also about the weekend full of fun, sweat (and stink), rain (this year’s Vltava Run 2019 had a lot of rain), swearing (a.k.a. overcoming yourself),... and a lot of memories, which help us to decide to come back again next year and conquer the Vltava Run once again. Not so pleasant memories gradually fade away and only the good ones remain. And those are really worth it... Because thanks to them we’re a stronger team. And when your colleague sends you what he wasn’t supposed to, doesn’t do what had to be done or does it in a way that deserves a slap on the face, you just close your eyes, take a deep breath and remember those nice memories... sometimes it helps, sometimes not (:D).

As the African proverb goes: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” And it’s also true for us, here, at Touch4IT. It doesn’t matter whether we work, run or go on holiday to Croatia – we do it as a team, so we can achieve bigger things together.

What are the most memorable moments from the Vltava Run 2019?
One of them is Matej’s story, who after finishing the race told us how he had to ask a woman behind the fence for water in order not to die. This sentence took him incredible 15 seconds to spit out – his face had suffering written all over it.
Another unforgettable moment were the cries of our supporting colleagues: “C’mon Lukáš, you can do it! C’mon! No, this wasn’t at the race, but during the car trip to Zadov, where my supporting colleagues were encouraging me to overtake a truck on the highway before the lane narrowed.
Confessions of our runners:
Jakub’s confession who found himself face-to-face with a boar:
"Vltava Run 2019 was my first experience with this type of race. It was a good sporting weekend with even better people. When you have an amazing team like that you just can’t give up. That’s why I think they conspired against me by organizing a nocturnal meeting with boar for me to run faster."
Marek’s confession who ran the Vltava Run for the first time in his life – that’s why we didn’t expect him to return:
"It was amazing! We all had a laugh about me dying somewhere in the forest alone, because I would not make it. I won’t lie. There was a lot of swearing, but I did make it! You never know, I might go next year again."
Richard’s confession who planned to train months ahead, but time was his enemy:
"There were moments during the run when I asked myself: What are you doing here?! Then I manage to run the first..... the second..... and surprisingly the third segment as well. Not to boast, but my pace was pretty good considering I’m a beginner. It’s always about the people around you who always encourage you to move forward. We were a great team at the Vltava Run. If you’d asked me right now whether I want to go next year, I wouldn’t be saying no. :)”

Some closing thoughts:
I “promised” our Miska this article for a long time now. She pointed out that it should be posted as soon as possible, right before the run – not weeks and months after. Well, what can i tell you, I’ve overcome myself once again, it “only” took me weeks. Oh, and before I forget. I really don’t expect to win the Pulitzer Prize for this one. But if you enjoyed this reading or plan to give us a visit – as a future team member or as a customer – then it was totally worth it. :)