The best moments of our Christmas party

Ho Ho Ho! The annual office Christmas party is a very popular event and a good tradition at Touch4IT. This year was no different. After the challenges posed by the ongoing covid-era we could finally celebrate in style and – in person, all together.
We celebrated in a new place
Big news! As our team is growing, we were challenged to relocate our party for the very first time. We switched from our usual Bratislava old-town-office setting to a new public venue – SpaceUp Coworking. Everybody agreed it was a nice and refreshing change that allowed us to have more space and to feel more comfortable during the whole night.
We met there, wearing our best clothes (winter sweaters, Touch4IT merch, glitters, sneakers, suits, high heels... we really do not dictate dress code but support our unique personalities and style) and enjoyed welcome drinks and delicious festive dishes. The greatest Christmas songs were playing in the background while we chatted and caught up with each other. It was a great opportunity to reconnect after a difficult year and to finally met team-mates in person.

What was Christmas line-up like?
Our Christmas party is always accompanied by different activities. We started with a speech from our dearest founders, in which they thanked everyone for their hard work and dedication. It was also an opportunity to reflect on the past year and all that we've accomplished. Then we moved on to the evaluation of the last year, and it was amazing to see how much of progress we have done. We did not skip the fun-facts part and then talked about great new challenges and goals in 2023 that made us even more inspired and determined.

The evening continued with a fun quiz that revealed the deepest secrets from our childhood - this helped us to know each other even better! We had so much fun and laughed from question to question. We also premiered showreel for the year 2022, which was highly expected moment. It was so special, even the serving staff had goosebumps! But the highlight of the evening was definitely the gift-giving, of course. We all together unwrapped cool gifts that we received from the company (thank you!) and from Secret Santas.
Why we continue with Secret Santa tradition
At Touch4IT, giving gifts secretly is already a good tradition. Did you know that we programmed our very own script for the draw? It randomly assigns someone to someone with the fact that we don’t create two-way pairs. And this is how the Santa’s secret is preserved. And why do we enjoy this activity? Well, it's always kind of funny and exciting to think, what could make your colleague happy without asking. In Touch4IT we believe it evolves our creativity, improves connections and benefits company culture.

Overall, our Christmas party was full of unforgettable moments with the best people and a great way to close out the year. A big thanks to our team of “Eventgers” who organized the whole party – great job (again)! We love that we still managed to come together as a one big team, celebrate in style and spend quality time together. We're already looking forward to next year's party!

And finally, we wish you an amazing new year full of supportive teamwork, true partnerships and new challenges that help us to grow. We are ready, just bring it on, 2023!