What happened at our office Christmas party?

Touch4IT redakcia
Jan 07, 2019
1 min read

December - the last month of the year - has arrived and we couldn't stop thinking about Christmas songs & a table full of cakes and hot wine. Suddenly here was the evening of 21 December and with it our Christmas party. What gifts did we receive and how was the celebration?

There was a lot of things under our Christmas tree

What would be Christmas without a Christmas tree? Without the special atmosphere? Without the joyful spark that is reflected in his lights? Our tree prepared a lot of surprises in 2018 and pleased us with lots of great presents.


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vianocna party 2018


Each member of our team received a special gift with his/her name tag on it. In addition, this year we also organized the Secret Santa, which brought success and brought us interesting and funny gifts. 


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We evaluated the old year and prepared for a new one

Before we started the evening entertainment, we were starting to evaluate the year 2018 and present goals and visions for the new year of 2019.


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We would like to wish you a happy new year and many successes in personal and professional life!


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