Top 5 tech trends to keep your eye on in 2018

Everyone is aware of the fact that technologies are still moving forward and it's all happening very fast. These is a new technology every year and it has an impact on many lifes and work spheres. What tech trends you should follow in 2018?
1. Internet of Things (IoT)
Business Insider noted that nearly 6 trillion dollars will be spent on IoT solutions in the next five years alone. A huge number, right? Can you imagine how far this technology will go because of this money?
Already, many of us wake up in our "smart beds" to a Bluetooth-connected alarm clock that communicates with our wifi-enabled speakers. Soon all of our devices - microwaves, washing machines,... - will be connected to the web.

2. Augmented Reality (AR)
The rise of Pokémon GO in 2016 was just the first of many implementations of AR that will make a massive impact on society. Apple and Google also introduced both ARKit and ARCore and are driving an inflection point for the industry. It is only a time when this technology will achieve a bigger importance.
We also work with AR technology! We can create any 3D model (according to client's requirements) and move their business to the new level.
3. Blockchain
Blockchain can be characterized as a digital database that represents a safe way of creating and sharing information, executing transactions, arranging contracts that need to be recorded and verified before they are realized.
In the context of virtual currency, it is a list of all transactions that have been and are approved in the network of that currency. There is no bank or institution between the recipient and the sender and the blockchain is the main element on which most virtual currencies are based. The lis of transactions is public and anyone, who helps with the calculation and verification, works with it.
Blockchain can be used in areas such as IoT (internet of things), registers (business reguster,...), inventory management (reduction of administrative costs), licenses and much more.
4. Chatbots
Chatbot can be identified as a computer program that simulates a human conversation using artificial intelligence and most often in the form of a live chat. That's not just some mechanical answers, because the chatbot can lead a coherent and comprehensible communication that really makes sense.
These programs were originally developed because of the automation of customer support, but now we can see their creative use in other industries as well. Chatbot can be an excellent way of marketing communication that builds a strong customer relationship. Businesses use them almost anywhere from technical support through marketing & sales to simple entertaining of their customers. Through chatbot you can order pizza, a taxi or buy something on Amazon.

5. Automation (artificial intelligence)
Artificial intelligence will soon become ubiquitous in the professional world. From virtual assistants, to manual labor, to intermediary services, many jobs will likely be disrupted in the coming years. Where will everyone go when machines can do our work for us? This question will be important in 2018.