SPPM applications enter the world of sports...

We've already released the SPPM Playbook application, which is one of the top applications for drawing plays & drills (soccer, hockey, volleyball,...). Do you want to try it? :)
What is SPPM?
SPPM means Sport Preparation & Planning Management and it is a system that consists of 2 major digital products:
- SPPM Planner
- SPPM Playbook
Both products are personalized for most team sports: volleyball, soccer, basketball, ice hockey and handball.

SPPM Playbook is already out!
SPPM Playbook is an iPad application designed for sports trainers to create, animate and share their plays & drills. It gives coaches everything they to lead their team to victory. The app is fully adapted to the needs of the coaches and designed to the last detail.
Do you want to try it? Download the app HERE.

SPPM Planner is currently only for private clients
SPPM Planner is an efficient tool which will allow sports trainers to plan and manage their team. It is a great assistant for planning the preparations and sports trainings and achieving great results.
App Features:
- Team Administration (online communication, personal information,...)
- Training Planner (set up performance objectives, create a plan,...)
- Microcycle Volume
- Intensity Planner (yearly plan, mikrocycle,...)
- Training Session Plan
- Playbook (SPPM Planner includes the Playbook app itself)
- Dashboard (scheduled events, statistics,...)
The app is not yet publicly available for download, but it is fully functional and is already being used by some Slovak professional trainers.

Who do we work with?
The SPPM project is a collaboration of Touch4IT, Mr. Hiadlovský and Mr. Hrubý. Mr. Hiadlovský is a professional volleyball trainer with many years of experience, great insight into sports, and above all, with a vision of how technology can be utilized to help trainers and sports clubs achieve better results. Mr. Hrubý is a co-founder of ESET - a Slovak software company with their headquarter in Bratislava and offices all over the world. The company is among the leaders in the IT security sector.
The first meeting took place already in 2014. The idea presented by Mr. Hiadlovský was really appealing and thus we made an exception by preparing an extensive analysis, on which we spent many man hours, at our own costs. In the summer 2016 we were introduced to Mr. Hrubý and proceeded to present our business plan to him. On our first meeting, Mr. Hrubý declared: "Essentially, I do not see any reason why I shouldn't participate in this project with you and invest."
After performing an audit of both the idea and the Touch4IT team in general, the new company Touch4SPORTS was founded in August 2016.